
  • I. Riznychuk Odesa State Agrarian University
  • O. Kyshlaly Odesa State Agrarian University
  • K. Mazhylovska Odesa State Agrarian University
  • Ye. Hurko Odesa State Agrarian University



organic feed, organic feeding of animals, organic production, organic animal husbandry, feeding rate, feed, diet, type of feeding, feed additives


It is noted that one of the areas of modern agriculture is the development of organic production of livestock products, its promotion and scientific support.

The defining stage in the technological process of organic production of livestock products is the production of organic feed and standardized organic feeding of animals.

The elements of the organization of normalized organic feeding include the establishment of feeding norms, the choice of method of normalization of nutrients, development of feeding rations, their structure, type of feeding, preparation of feed for feeding, frequency and method of feeding, method and sequence of feed distribution.

The full value of normalized organic feeding of animals is achieved: by selecting feed in the diet taking into account their versatile nutrition, the use of feed materials of mineral origin, nutritional feed additives (vitamins, trace elements) and other biologically active substances, preparation of complete feed mixtures. An important role is given to the use of technological methods of feed preparation for feeding, such as grinding, flattening, cleaning of grain from films, extrusion and production of granules, the use of mainly biological, mechanical and physical production methods.

At present, work is underway to develop a system of standardized organic feeding of animals of different species and groups for industrial purposes, in compliance with detailed rules of organic animal husbandry.


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How to Cite

Різничук, І., Кишлали, О., Мажиловська, К., & Гурко, Є. (2021). FUNDAMENTALS OF NORMATED ORGANIC ANIMAL FEEDING. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (101).