
  • Z. Koreneva Odesa State Agrarian University
  • B. Slyusarenko Odesa State Agrarian University
  • Ju. Garnazhenko Odesa State Agrarian University
  • Ju. Mazurenko Odesa State Agrarian University
  • Ju. Kovtun Odesa State Agrarian University



large white breed of pigs, reproductive organs


The hormonal and generative function of the ovaries in pigs begins to form completely only at 6-7 months of age. According to morphological parameters, the generative organs of Great White pigs of all ages have certain features. Features are associated with the growth and development of animals in the process of ontogenesis. The development of all organs of the reproductive system of animals is influenced by the pituitary gland and the gonads, which produce steroid and peptide hormones. At the same time, the sexual cycle differs significantly from this period in singleton animals. This is due to the number of maturing follicles during puberty. The growth of all organs of the reproductive system of females has a close relationship with the ovaries, the state of health of the pigs' organism, the normalized feeding of animals, the number of offspring and their weight.

In newborn pigs, the ovaries are oval in shape, without follicles on their surface. Their size is up to 9 mm in diameter, the mass of one ovaries reaches 15 mg. The change in the mass and shape of the ovaries is associated with a large number of follicles of different sizes. The shape of the ovaries changes due to the protrusion of follicles on their surface.

As for other parts of the reproductive system (fallopian tubes, uterus, uterine horns, cervix, vagina and vaginal vestibule), there is a tendency towards gradual age-related changes.

In newborn pigs: the fallopian tubes are up to 8 cm long and about 3 mm in diameter in the middle; the body of the uterus has a size of about 1.5 cm and the increase in this indicator is gradual. At the same time, at the age of 7 months - the length of the fallopian tubes increases to 24 cm, but the diameter in the middle part remains unchanged; and the size of the body of the uterus increases to 4.8 cm.

The body of the uterus in pigs of all ages passes into the cervix without abrupt changes, and the cervix, in turn, passes into the vagina without clear boundaries. So, in newborn pigs, the cervix is ​​up to 5 cm in size, and at 7 months of age, the size increases to 17.5 cm; the length of the vagina increases from 3 cm to 10.5 cm.

When examining the external genital organs of pigs, no changes in the structure were found, a gradual increase in linear indicators is noted.


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How to Cite

Коренєва, Ж., Слюсаренко, Б., Гарнаженко, Ю., Мазуренко, Ю., & Ковтун, Ю. (2021). MORPHOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS OF BREED WHITE PIGS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (101).