T. gondii, immunity, plasmapheresis, antibody titerG, transaminases, protein fractionsAbstract
The paper presents data of studying the effect of filtration plasamapheresis on biochemical and immunological parameters in serum of dogs that are seropositive for toxoplasmosis. The studies were carried out on 3 seropositive for T. Gondii dogs between the ages of two and five years, the average body weight of which was 16 kg. During the examination, all animals showed clinical signs of hepatopathy, depression, anamnesis showed persistent signs of skin lesions in the form of rashes, itching. A single plasmapheresis procedure contributed to a significant decrease in the IgG titer from 1.5 to 0.8 after the procedure. At the same time, a significant number of antibodies was detected in the filtrate itself. Plasmapheresis has a positive effect on the activity of transaminases in patients’ blood plasma. So, after the first procedure, the activity of enzymes has decreased by about half and returned to normal.
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