pigs, breed, hybridization, reproductive ability, young growth, early maturity, meat contentAbstract
In general, sows of all studied genotypes and combinations had excellent reproductive ability. Young animals of all genotypes during controlled feeding reach 100 kg weight in 162.3-171.8 days from birth with an average daily gain of 824.2-927.6 g and feed consumption of 3.09-3.32 feed. units/ kg gain. Hybrid young animals of the VІ experimental group had the best fattening qualities. The male of the group were hybrid boars "Kantor" (½ (♀P × D). Pigs 6th group exceeded the peers of the I control group (VB breed, corresponding indicators 171.8 days; 824 g; 3.32 feed units) due to the effect of heterosis by the age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg by 5.5% (p <0.001), by the average daily gain by 12.5% (p <0.001) and by feed consumption by 6, 9%. The meat content of the carcasses of young animals of various hybrid groups, the best indicators were obtained at the IV and VI experimental groups, where, respectively, the male forms were boars of the Pietrain breed and terminal boars "Cantor".
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