
  • K. Khamid Odesa State Agrarian University
  • T. Pushkar Odesa State Agrarian University
  • A. Salachykly Odesa State Agrarian University
  • A. Kitaeva Odesa State Agrarian University



bees, wintering, safety, winter hardiness, feeding


Today, many people are fond of beekeeping. But when keeping bees there are many problems, the main of which is their wintering, during which most insects often die. Anything needed to help insects survive the winter. In preparation for winter, the bees themselves redistribute food supplies in the nest so that in winter they are most accessible to them.

In advanced beekeepers, bees are well prepared for winter, fully equipped with quality feed, winter in well-prepared wintering grounds, so they do not require frequent inspections. In winter, bees have reduced vital activity: their body temperature decreases, blood circulation slows down, feed intake decreases. They sit quietly on the cells in a semi-active state, close to each other for mutual heating, creating a dense club. In autumn, the club is formed near the hive, then, having eaten food here, the bees move to the upper bars of the frame, as well as along the streets to the back wall of the hive.

The main cause of death of most bee colonies during the winter is starvation, which is due to too little food in the hive, improper placement of feed in the nest or insufficient number of bees in the family.

Loss of the uterus, disease (nosematosis) and robbery of hives also cause great harm. A two-body hive must have at least 27 kg, and a 3-body beehive must have at least 40 kg of honey. With such stocks of honey, the total weight of each hive is 60 and 80 kg, respectively.

Loss of the uterus, disease (nosematosis) and robbery of hives also cause great harm. A two-body hive must have at least 27 kg, and a 3-body beehive must have at least 40 kg of honey. With such stocks of honey, the total weight of each hive is 60 and 80 kg, respectively.

For the winter in beehives leave frames which are less than half occupied by bee honey stocks of honey are on all volume of a beehive in a location of club of honey there are not enough bees.

Peculiarities of preservation of bee families of different regions of Ukraine using different types of feeding are determined. Some differences in the consumption of fodder stocks during different types of wintering of bees of Carpathian and Ukrainian steppe breeds have been established.


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How to Cite

Хамід, К., Пушкар, Т., Салачикли, А., & Китаєва, А. (2021). SURVIVAL OF BEES IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF WINTER. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (100).