dogs, parvovirus enteritis, coronavirus enteritis, pathological and anatomical autopsy, macroscopic changes, histology, immune organsAbstract
In rapid tests VetExpert and ELISA and PCR, changes in immunocompetent organs were identified, taking into account the peculiarities of the clinical manifestation of the disease and the results of macro- and microscopic changes in the organs and tissues of dogs with coronavirus and parvovirus enteritis.
Based on our analysis of literature sources, monitoring results and our own research, it was found that viral enteritis occupies a leading place in the infectious pathology of dogs and causes significant harm to animal owners. Viral enteritis leads to serious disorders of many body systems, and one of the first to be affected is the immune system.
Pathological dissection of dogs was performed by partial evisceration in the usual sequence. Prepared histological sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin according to standard recipes. The general histological structure and microstructural changes of histo- and cytostructures of organs in histological samples were studied under a light microscope.
According to the results of pathological and anatomical autopsy of dogs in the intestinal form of parvovirus enteritis revealed changes in the immune system, namely: in the thymus most pronounced disorders of lymphocyte differentiation in the thymus, lymph nodes - dilation and overflow of blood vessels and edema of cortical and cerebral substances. swelling of the pulp and accumulation in the red pulp of granules and grains of iron-containing pigment - hemosiderin (due to the breakdown of a large number of erythrocytes).
With coronavirus enteritis in dogs, pathomorphological changes in immunocompetent organs are found, which characterize the suppression of immunogenesis during an infectious disease of viral etiology. Thus, the spleen has spotted hemorrhages, lymph nodes - moderately hyperplasia, with signs of hemorrhagic inflammation. Active proliferation of lymphoid cells, which leads to hyperplasia, is one of the markers of the pathogen's effect on the macroorganism in the form of an inflammatory process in regional lymph nodes, which indicates the multiplication of the virus and the development of immunological processes.
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