



eggs, blood, trematoda, ”Tektin Super”, invasion intensity


The scientific investigation has established that such diseases as fascioliasis, paramphistomatosis, dicroceliosis are widely spread on the livestock farms of Zhytomyr oblast. They are widely spread on this territory and cause heavy losses for the farm owners.

It has been established that an average invasion extensity equalled 38.2%, that of paramphistomatosis equalled 4.2% and that of dicroceliosis equalled 6.9%, under a maximal prevalence on a given livestock farm within 33-42%. It has been also established that shallow bodies of water, which are on the pasture areas, where the cattle graze is the way of spreading the disease. During a spring period trematodes invasion started decreasing and was on the same level in summer and in autumn.

The investigation results testified to some changes in haematology parameters in sick animals after introducing anthelmintic ”Tektin Super”. At the beginning of the investigation it was detected that the invasion intensity in sick animals amounted 12.0 fasciola eggs, 7.0 dicrocela eggs, 4.0 paramphistoma eggs per 1 gr of faeces. On the 15th day the anthelmintic effectiveness equalled 100%. Positive results of treatment were confirmed by an increase in the amount of red blood cells, polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes, white blood cells, content of hemoglobulin in red blood cells, hematocrit. Haematology indices of animals blood were renewed within their physiological parameters.

The increase in biochemical parameters of blood to physiological limits, or to that of a control group, was due to the effects of anthelmintic ”Tektin Super” on fasciola, dicrocela and paramphistoma. It occurred as a result of synthesis subsidence and due to the penetration of trematoda waste products (which have immuno-suppressive action) into the body. Anthelmintic had positive effects on the organism.


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How to Cite

Гудь, А., & Довгій, Ю. (2021). CATTLE TREMATODES SPREADING AND DISHELMINTHIZATION. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (99).