
  • L. Franchuk-Kryva Odesa State Agrarian University
  • M. Kryvyi Odesa State Agrarian University
  • K. Hrebeniukova Odesa State Agrarian University



cats, geriatric age, aging, L-glutamic acid


It was found that oral administration of L-glutamic acid led to an increase in the content of globulins and total protein by 15.1 and 7.1 %, as well as an increase in the concentration of urea and triglycerides by 12.4 and 40.6 % within the physiological norm. The data obtained indirectly indicate the normalization of protein and lipid metabolism and activation of humoral immunity in geriatric pets.


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How to Cite

Франчук-Крива, Л., Кривий, М., & Гребенюкова , К. (2021). THE EFFICACY OF L-GLUTAMIC ACID IN CLINICALLY HEALTHY GERIATRIC CATS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (99).