



cows, mastitis, BoLA-DRB3 gene, alleles


The results of the study of alleles of the BoLA-DRB3 gene, which have associations with cow mastitis and can serve as DNA markers of this disease. The allele spectrum of the BoLA-DRB3 gene was studied using PCR-RLFP. It is determined that the cows in the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy cattle determines 28 alleles of the BOLA-DRB3 gene with an average frequency of detection of 3.57%. Most often, the allele BoLA-DRB3 *22 (19.1%) was determined. In a group of susceptible cows, 24 allele (average frequency is 4.17%) was revealed. Alleles BoLA-DRB3 *16, *25, *31 and *36 were not manifested at all. Among the cows resistant to the masters of animals identified 27 alleles. The average frequency of the manifestation was 3.7%. Never detected allele *41. The presence of two alleles (* 24 and * 26) has been established that have a close relationship with the tendency to mastitis and two alleles (*13 and *22), that are associated with resistance to diseases of the mammary gland of cows.


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2021-05-28 — Updated on 2021-07-19


How to Cite

Супрович, Т., & Колінчук, Р. (2021). GENETIC CONTROL OF SUSTAINABILITY OF COWS TO MASTITIS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (99). (Original work published May 28, 2021)