
  • O. Koval Odesa State Agrarian University
  • O. Holubenko Odesa State Agrarian University
  • V. Rud Odesa State Agrarian University
  • L. Tarasenko Odesa State Agrarian University



disease, fish, helmints, carp, reservoirs, veterinary and sanitary estimation, Khadzhibey estuary


In a review summarized data about a disease to the carp, that meet in Khadzhibey estuary. In recent year there are an increase of distribution of morbidity of carp fishes and losses to the fish-farming and fish fauna of region. On the base of information on prevalence of diseases among to the carp in the South region of Ukraine, a general review most spread disease to the carp was conducted. Among noncontagious diseases most attention needs to be spared to alimentary illnesses, toxicosis, by violation of the mode of reservoirs. The infectious diseases of carp are presented by necrosis of branchiaes, german measles, branchiomycosts and saprolegnia infection. There are parasitic illnesses that is presented parasitic ciliate (ichthyophthirius multifiliis), fish louse (argulus foliaceus) and diseases are caused by infusoria (trichodina). In Khadzhibey estuary there is mass death of fish from exceeding of possible maintenance to the sulphuretted hydrogen. For providing of high quality of food raw material and to prevent prevalence of diseases and death do, it is needed to conduct ichthyological control, veterinary and sanitary examination and sanitary estimation of quality of fish.


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How to Cite

Коваль, О., Голубенко, О., Рудь, В., & Тарасенко, Л. (2021). VETERINARY SND SANITARY ASSESSMENT OF FISH QUALITY AND SAFETY IN THE SOUTHERN REGION OF UKRAINE (REWIEW ARTICLE). Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (99).