
  • V. Yasko Odesa State Agrarian University
  • S. Petrenko Odesa State Agrarian University
  • N. Kirovich Odesa State Agrarian University
  • S. Sidashova Odesa State Agrarian University



chlorella, suspension, chicken eggs, antibiotics, xenobiotics, sanitary condition, preservatives, micro algae, hatching eggs, caged poultry


The environmental safety of livestock products has become increasingly important in recent years, as information about the nature of allergic, cancer and other diseases has led to an increase in demand for biologically complete products in developed countries. In Ukraine today, due to the deteriorating health of the population, rising prices for medicines and services, as well as an increase in the number of people with allergic reactions, this is especially true.

Poultry products, namely chicken eggs, chicken meat and products from them, are one of the main components of the daily diet of Ukrainians, as they have high taste, rich in easily digestible protein, relatively inexpensive and affordable. Therefore, the ecological purity of domestic poultry products is a priority for the development of the poultry industry. In addition to the rise in price of feed, it is necessary to take into account the negative and unpredictable effect on the body of birds xenobiotics of various origins, which in the composition of chicken eggs or meat enter the human body.

Replacement in feed of most synthetic additives, preservatives, chemical compounds and drugs with natural biologically active stimulants has become a promising area in poultry. An alternative solution to this problem may be the introduction into the technology of breeding and commercial breeding of chickens bitechnologii cultivation of microalgae - chlorella.

Studies suggest that the use of chlorella suspension with traditional feeds in the diets of laying hens has a positive effect on poultry productivity. This indicates the feasibility and necessity of using these feeds in winter or spring and summer, especially in the conditions of caged poultry. The use of chlorella suspension in the diet increases the average live weight of chickens by 10% and increases the weight of eggs, improves total blood counts for erythrocytes, hemoglobin and total protein concentration, visual inspection of eggs before incubation showed 96.33% fertilization.


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How to Cite

Ясько, В., Петренко, С., Кірович, Н., & Сідашова, С. (2021). INNOVATIVE NATURAL BIOSTIMULATORS IN THE PRODUCTION OF CHICKEN EGGS WITHOUT ANTIBIOTICS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (98).