
  • K. Khamid Odesa State Agrarian University
  • O. Danchuk Odesa State Agrarian University




honey, analysis, quality indicators, standard


Ukrainian beekeeping has a huge potential for increasing exports, as the number of new markets for these products has been growing exponentially in recent years. According to the official data of the European Integration Portal of Ukraine, according to which today Ukraine is one of the six largest producers of honey in the world and annually provides up to 5% of world production, and is the second (after China) largest exporter of honey to the EU.

The great importance of bee honey production is due to the needs of the domestic market for consumption by the population and as an industrial raw material, as well as the provision of foreign exchange earnings from its sale on the world market under conditions of high competitiveness. Therefore, improving the system for assessing the quality and safety of bee honey and its harmonization with international requirements is an extremely important task for Ukraine.

Ukraine is considered one of the world's suppliers of honey, especially for the American and European markets.

In the context of globalization of the world economy to ensure the competitiveness of products of the beekeeping industry of Ukraine, the problem of ensuring the quality and safety of products in accordance with international requirements is especially acute.

Honey quality is a concept that covers a fairly wide range of characteristics and properties of this unique product. During the storage of honey, from the moment of pumping, it undergoes many natural biochemical processes. As a result, its composition is constantly changing, and the product itself is called "alive".

Sources of influence on the quality and safety of beekeeping products can be factors of the natural environment, agricultural production, technology of bee colonies, species of honey plants, new subspecies and breeds of bees, etc.

The article evaluates the quality indicators of honey for its naturalness and quality as a food product obtained in home apiaries of Ukraine in different regions. Evaluation of the quality and naturalness of honey of different botanical origin was carried out according to the requirements of national standards. Honey quality indicators such as mass fraction of water, diastase number, hydroxymethylfurfural (GMF) content, mass fraction of reducing sugars, mass fraction of sucrose, proline content, acidity, electrical conductivity, qualitative reaction for the presence of paddy and mass fraction of selenium were studied.

Analysis of the results of the study of honey showed that the mass fraction of water, diastase number, acidity - all samples belong to the highest grade; by mass fraction of reducing sugars - I, IV, VI samples received the highest grade, III and V samples received - I grade, and only II sample belongs to the II grade; by mass fraction of sucrose - only goldenrod honey (VI sample) received the I grade, and the others belong to the II grade; for GMF - only acacia honey received the highest grade, V and VI samples received the I grade, and samples I, II, IV received the II grade, according to the content of proline I, III, VI and V samples received the highest grade, VI sample - I grade, ІІ test - ІІ grade; in terms of electrical conductivity, all honey samples belong to the II grade. Summarizing all the results, it is established that the highest grade includes I, III, VI samples, and II, IV, V samples - I grade.

The obtained results will be used for further formation of a database of honey quality indicators and assessment of data stability over time.


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How to Cite

Хамід, К., & Данчук, О. (2021). EVALUATION OF QUALITY INDICATORS OF HONEY OF DIFFERENT ORIGIN. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (98). https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2021.98.18