
  • E. Gurko Odesa State Agrarian University




mink, live weight, growth, development, color type, STK, Scanblack, Scanbrown


A study of the dynamics of growth and development of young mink as the most common species in the central region (descendants of the first generation from the parent pairs of domestic and Scandinavian selection).

Changes in live weight gain of young mink (females and males) of the standard dark brown type and first generation crossbreeds (F1) from selected pairs of standard dark brown type (STK) and Scanblack and Scanbrown were found. A comparative characterization and assessment of the variability of live weight of young mink.

The use of genetic diversity is in direct dependence on knowledge of variability and inheritance of the main economically useful traits of fur-bearing animals. The study of the global genetic diversity, as well as the level of development of the main economically useful traits of populations of fur-bearing animals in the farms of Ukraine will determine the effective directions of animal breeding, ensuring the competitiveness of domestic products of fur-bearing fur farming.


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How to Cite

Гурко, Є. (2021). DYNAMICS OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF YOUNG MINK. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (98). https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2021.98.13