
  • I. Zapeka Odesa State Agrarian University
  • I. Panikar Odesa State Agrarian University
  • V. Ledovsky Odesa State Agrarian University



veterinary and sanitary examination, pike perch, eustrongylidosis, E. excisus


In recent years, in many countries of the European Union, as well as in Ukraine, the frequency of detection of helminthic pathogens, which were previously diagnosed sporadically, has increased in fish farms. In this case, the specific structure of zooparasites is dominated by helminths of the genus Eustrongylides, which pose a danger for human health. Parasites are very resistant to physical and chemical factors and, in violation of processing technology, remain viable and cause human disease.

In this regard, the relevance of parasitological examination of fish infested with larvae of the nematode E. excisus.

Purpose: to determine the prevalence of E. excisus pathogens in the studied samples of pike perch and pike sold on the market "Privoz" and to confirm the relevance of strengthening parasitological control over fish products against the background of growing consumer demand.

Research results. It was found that the studied fish was infested with larvae of the nematode E. excisus. The average extent of pike perch infestation was 66,7%, and pike – 58,3%, respectively. The average intensity of pike perch infestation was 4,2 ± 2,6 pairs / fish, and pike – 1,45 ± 1,38 pairs / fish, respectively. The average index of abundance of pike perch infestation was 3,8 ± 1,3 specimens, pike – 1,4 ± 0,73 specimens, respectively. The greatest extensiveness, intensity of invasion and abundance index of studied fish samples with eustrongylidosis pathogens were observed in winter and spring.


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How to Cite

Запека, І., Панікар, І., & Ледовський, В. (2021). PARASITOLOGICAL STUDIES OF FISH INFESTED BY E. EXCISUS NEMATODE LARVAE. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (98).