
  • A. Shelyov Інститут розведення і генетики тварин ім. М.В. Зубця, НААН
  • K. Kopylov Інститут розведення і генетики тварин ім. М.В. Зубця, НААН
  • S. Kramarenko Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
  • A. Kramarenko Mykolayiv National Agrarian University



dogs, microsatellites, polymorphism, DNA, breed-specific alleles


Allelic polymorphism of three dog breeds by five DNA microsatellites was analyzed. Spectra and frequencies of allelic variability, special features of allelofunds, rare and breed-specific alleles were determined. In general, the species Canis familiis is a place of similarity of genetic processes in the studied breeds, which indicates that there are the same ranges and limits of the range of spectra of allelic polymorphism (LimNa = 5-13) and almost the same number of detected allelic variants (Na = 8,2- 9.2).


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How to Cite

Шельов, А., Копилов, К., Крамаренко, С., & Крамаренко, О. (2021). ALLELIC POLYMORPHISM OF MICROSATELITE DNA LOCІ OF THREE BREEDS OF CANIS FAMILIARIS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (98).