
  • R. Bokotko Національний університет біоресурсів та природокористування України
  • O. Pasnichenko Odesa State Agrarian University



: scientific and pedagogical activity, histology, Kolesnikov V. V., Odessa Agricultural Institute


Kolesnikov Vladimir Vasilievich – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science. His scientific and pedagogical activity is determined by three periods: I period – 1927–1929., II period – 1929–1945., III period – 1945–1974.

Kolesnikov V. V. was enrolled in studies at the Veterinary Faculty of the Kiev Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute, which he graduated with a specialization in veterinarian (1925–1929).

In 1927, VV. Kolesnikov began his pedagogical activity while he was still a student at the Kiev Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute. In the same year, under the guidance of Professor Dombrovsky B. A., he took the first steps in scientific life and conducted complex scientific research, the results of which were subsequently published in Germany.

In 1929, Professor B. A. Dombrovsky, together with V. V. Kolesnikov, moved to live in Kazakhstan with the goal of creating an anatomy department at the Kazakh Veterinary Institute of Alma-Ata. Kolesnikov V. V. subsequently lectured there on the course of anatomy, histology and embryology (1933–1934).

In 1935, V. V. Kolesnikov graduated from scientific works on the comparative anatomy of mammalian muscles, which were published in Germany. This became the basis for awarding him the degree of candidate of veterinary sciences without defending a dissertation.

In 1939, Kolesnikov V. V. headed the Department of Histology and was simultaneously engaged in scientific research, namely, the sweat glands of a camel, saiga and gazelle were studied, compared with a chubby sheep.

Scientific and pedagogical activity Kolesnikova V. V. also was associated with work at the Kazakh State University (1935–1940), where he concurrently lectured on the course of comparative histology and animal embryology.

In 1940, V. V. Kolesnikov defended a doctoral dissertation on the topic: «Under the pelvic cavity and the problem of the formation of the accessory external genital organs of mammals». Then he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences and the title of professor.

In 1945, V. V. Kolesnikov was awarded the honorary title «Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR». In the same year he was accepted to the post of head of the Department of Histology of the Veterinary Faculty of the Odessa Agricultural Institute (he worked until 1974), and in 1950 he was appointed dean of the joint veterinary faculty (he held the position until 1960). Kolesnikov V. V. continued the work already begun in Kazakhstan on the study of the respiratory system in horses and cattle, the results of which were subsequently published in the works of the Moscow Veterinary and Odessa Agricultural Institutes.

During the periods of his scientific and pedagogical activity, V.  V. Kolesnikov prepared three candidates of veterinary sciences and published more than 30 scientific papers.


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Kolesnikov V. V. O potovyh zhelezah dvugorbogo verbljuda. Trudy Alma-Atinskogo zooveterinarnogo instituta. 1940. T. 3. S. 116—122.

Kolesnikov V. V. Potovye zhelezy sajgi, dzhejrana i ovcy. Trudy Odesskogo sel'skohozjajstvennogo instituta. 1948. T. 5. S. 135—143.

Kolesnikov V. V. Materialy po mikromorfologii bronhial'nyh putej loshadi. Moskovskij zooveterinarnyj institut. 1948. S. 125—126.

Kolesnikov V. V., Krehova M. M. Bronhial'nye zhelezy loshadi i krupnogo rogatogo skota. Tezisy dokladov Odesskoj bio-morfologicheskoj nauchnoj konferencii. 1955. S. 25—27.

Kolesnikov V. V., Baleva T. A. Razvitie hrjashhevogo skeleta bronhial'nyh putej krupnogo rogatogo skota krasnoj stepnoj porody. Trudy Odesskogo sel'skohozjajstvennogo instituta. 1967. S. 21—25.

Kolesnikov V. V. Razvitie poverhnosti slizistoj obolochki bronhial'nyh putej u krupnogo rogatogo skota. 1. Velichina poverhnosti. Trudy Odesskogo sel'skohozjajstvennogo instituta. 1969. S. 92—94.

Kolesnikov V. V. Razvitie poverhnosti slizistoj obolochki bronhial'nyh putej u krupnogo rogatogo skota. 2. Skladchatost'. Trudy Odesskogo sel'skohozjajstvennogo instituta. 1971. S. 24—31.

Kolesnikov V. V., Reznik N. K. Fiziologicheskoe i postmortal'noe otdelenie jepitelija s poverhnosti vorsinok tonkogo kishechnika. Trudy Odesskogo sel'skohozjajstvennogo instituta. 1969. S. 95—97.



How to Cite

Bokotko, R., & Pasnichenko, O. (2020). SCIENTIFIC AND PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY KOLESNIKOVA V. V. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (97).