
  • I. Moskalyuk Odesa State Agrarian University
  • K. Khamid Odesa State Agrarian University
  • M. Sakun Odesa State Agrarian University




apiary, bees, fire, safety


A fire is an uncontrolled burning outside a special hearth that spreads in time and space and threatens human life and health, the environment, and causes material damage. Fire safety is the state of an object in which the possibility of fire is excluded. Extinguishing a fire requires significant material resources and human resources. Fire in the open area in windless weather can spread at a speed of 1 m / s, and in windy - up to 10 m / s; at the same time, the height of the flame here often reaches 2 m. Human carelessness and recklessness, and even more unpreparedness for the harvest, the failure of harvesting equipment can turn a grain field into a black fire in a matter of minutes, and nomadic or stationary apiaries that are currently near a nomad or point can also be destroyed. The problem of ensuring fire safety remains relevant, and in the hot summer period it becomes especially acute. The organization of fire protection of harvesting, processing and storage of crops is of great concern; non-compliance with fire safety in forests and parks; untidy attitude to work with inventory and equipment for beekeeping. Neglect of fire safety requirements, violation of the fire regime, operation of faulty equipment, faulty fire extinguishers, left unquenched cinders, often lead to fires in the places of harvesting and finding the apiary. In dry hot weather, the risk of fires increases significantly, which requires farm managers, farm workers, beekeepers and citizens with caution to pay close attention to fire handling and strict compliance with fire safety rules. Fire safety activities are a component of production and other activities of officials and employees of agro-industrial enterprises. This requirement should be reflected in employment agreements (contracts), statutes and regulations. The normative basis of this issue is the Code of Civil Protection of Ukraine (Chapter 13) and the Rules of Fire Safety of Ukraine, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 31.12.2014 №1417. According to these rules, the head of any enterprise of Ukraine is obliged to establish a fire regime. Normative definition of this concept is available in DSTU 2272: 2006 "Fire safety. Terms and definitions of basic concepts ", according to which the fire regime is a set of established norms of human behavior, rules of performance of works and operation of the object, aimed at ensuring fire safety.


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How to Cite

Moskalyuk, I., Khamid, K., & Sakun, M. (2020). WAYS TO ENSURE FIRE SAFETY IN APIARIES. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (97). https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2020.97.21