
  • R. Susol Odesa State Agrarian University
  • K. Garmatyuk Odesa State Agrarian University
  • I. Tkachenko Odesa State Agrarian University



hybrid young pig stock, live weight, growth, conformation, adaptation


The use in the selection of genotypes of animals and pigs in particular with a high intensity of their growth requires the study of patterns of formative processes in different periods of ontogenesis of individuals and determine their impact on the breeding value of animals [7]. Experimental studies of many scientists [2, 4, 5, 8, 10] have shown that young pigs of modern breeds and local animals in the process of control fattening have a different range of precocity and feed payment.

The aim of the research was to study the dynamics of changes in live weight and features of growth and development of young pigs of different origins in the south of Ukraine.

Scientific research was conducted in the period from 2016 to 2018 in the conditions of Shabolat Agrofirm LLC, Belgorod-Dniester district, Odessa region. A control and 6 experimental groups of animals were formed according to the generally accepted methods [9] of analogues taking into account their age, physiological condition and development. Evaluation of growth and development of young animals of different genotypes was performed taking into account live weight at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 months and their absolute, average daily and relative increments. At the end of fattening in the experimental pigs were taken body measurements, determined by body indexes. Along with this, indicators of growth intensity of animals were calculated: formation intensity, growth uniformity index, growth stress index.

Determination of biometric and correlation indicators was performed according to the methods of N. Plokhinsky [6], V. Kovalenko and others [3] and S. Kramarenko and others [1] using a PC, in MS Excel 2010. The obtained results testify that our proposed combination of breeds in order to obtain the final hybrid with a conditional proportion of blood ¾ landrace + ¼ large white in terms of live weight is the most successful and adapted to the technology of moderate intensity.

The use of purebred and local animals related to the so-called "white breeds" - Large White and Landrace, is characterized by increased intensity of formation and indices of growth stress. At the same time, the index of uniformity of growth and growth intensity in young animals of II-IV experimental groups is moderate and in absolute terms approaches each other. The highest level of the index of uniformity of growth is characteristic of animals of experimental group V. Regarding the hybrid young of the VI experimental group, where the parent form is pietren, it should be noted that the lowest rate of formation intensity (0.225), increased rate of growth uniformity index (0.547) and the lowest index of growth stress (0.110). The obtained results additionally confirm the complexity of adaptation of non-ferrous breeds (Duroc and especially Pietren breeds) to the technological conditions of domestic pork farms. Young pigs were obtained in combinations where the parental form was the breed: Large White, Landrace or Duroc was marked by the best exterior features that characterize the development of animals in length. In combinations where the parent form was the Pietren breed, the latitudinal measurements and the meat index were improved against the background of a decrease in body length.


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How to Cite

Susol, R., Garmatyuk, K., & Tkachenko, I. (2020). THE DYNAMICS OF LIVE WEIGHT CHANGE AND SPECIFIC GROWTH PATTERN OF YOUNG PIG STOCK OF DIFFERENT BREED-OF-ORIGIN. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (97).