
  • O. Kishlali Odesa State Agrarian University
  • G. Kotets Odesa State Agrarian University
  • V. Naуda Odesa State Agrarian University
  • V. Garlcontenе ТОВ "ЛАМПОЧКА" м. Чорноморськ Одеської області



granules, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, energy value


The article presents the results of studies on the study of the technological line of granulation of citrus wastes, their chemical composition, the gross content of proteins, fats, digested carbohydrates, including simple sugars, and the efficiency of use in the diets of agricultural products. animals.Given the useful properties of citrus pomace, a method has been developed for processing citrus pomace into feed additives. During the extrusion of citrus from the extrudate evaporated up to 55-60% moisture, which provided a moisture content of the feed additive no more than 12-13%, which allows to store the feed additive for a long time. The humidity of the mixture before extrusion was not more than 17-19%. Introduction to a mixture of 20% sunflower meal with a moisture content of 10%, 3- 7% molasses with a moisture content of 20%, citrus extrudate 75% moisture content of 15%, made it possible to obtain a mixture with a moisture content of 15%. Considering the results of studies of citrus fodder additives, the most effective is the inclusion in the composition of fodder additives: sunflower meal - 20%, molasses - 5% and 75% of citrus fruits. Citrus pomace is prepared separately, for processing, ground into a lupus to a particle size of 2-3 mm, homogenized and dispensed, after which the sunflower meal, the molasses are mixed in a meatball for 150 s. to form a homogeneous mixture. The granular process consists of compressing a homogeneous mass by the rollers and the surface of the matrix with round holes. Compression takes place under the action of moisture, heat and pressure, at this time a homogeneous mixture acquires thermo-plastic properties and through the holes of the matrix takes the form of granules. The temperature of the obtained granules + 60-80 0C, then they are sent to a cooler, where they are cooled to a temperature of 18-200C. The moisture content of the cooled granules did not exceed 6-7%. The flour fraction is obtained after sieving the granules, sent for further granulation. The positive influx of the technological line of granulation of citrus waste was established, which allows to obtain high quality granules. Chemical analysis of citrus granules showed that 100 g contains: proteins-6,15 g, fats - 0,99g, carbohydrates - 21,8g, of which simple sugars are 14g, the energy value of this feed additive is Kcal (kJ) - 120,7 (505,7).


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How to Cite

Kishlali, O., Kotets, G., Naуda V., & Garlcontenе V. (2020). NEW ENERGY RESOURCES IN AGRICULTURAL FEEDING. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (97).