
  • A. Cherepnina Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України
  • V. Karpovsky Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України
  • R. Postoy Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України
  • A. Vasyliv Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України
  • O. Danchuk Odesa State Agrarian University



pigs, higher nervous activity, protein metabolism, technological stress


Today, in the conditions of intensive management of the livestock industry due to the large number of technological influences on the body of animals, there is a growing interest in studying the individual features of the functioning of higher nervous activity. Higher nervous activity integrates the activity of the whole organism in specific environmental conditions, determining its behavior. Because the nervous system regulates all body functions and interacts with the environment, differences in the characteristics of cortical processes significantly affect the functional state of the body as a whole and protein metabolism in particular. Although a large number of studies have been devoted to the study of typological features of animals, the role of individual features of higher nervous activity in animals in adapting animals to technological stimuli in pigs is still insufficiently covered. Due to the lack of such data, the aim of our research was to establish the peculiarities of protein metabolism in animals of different types of higher nervous activity against the background of technological stress. The article covers the question of the peculiarities of protein metabolism in pigs with different types of higher nervous activity. It was found that in animals of weak type of higher nervous activity in the serum lower content of total protein, albumin, ceruloplasmin, urea, lysine, methionine and threonine by 6.6-19.1% (p <0.05-0.001) according to indicators animals of strong balanced mobile type of higher nervous activity. Under technological stress, the content of total protein, albumin, γ-globulins, ceruloplasmin (p <0.05-0.001) decreases and the content of urea and transaminase activity (p <0.001) in the serum of animals of different types of higher nervous activity increases. The relationship between individual characteristics of higher nervous activity and protein metabolism has been proven. The relationship between the strength, balance and mobility of cortical processes before the action of the technological stimulus with albumin, urea, α2-globulins, and after the action of the technological stimulus with total protein, urea, γ-globulins, ALT and AST. The strength of cortical processes to technological stress has a significant effect on the content of total protein, albumin, urea and aspartate aminotransferase activity in serum of pigs, and after the action of the technological stimulus on the content of total protein, globulins, gamma globulins, urea and transaminases in animals.


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How to Cite

Cherepnina, A., Karpovsky, V., Postoy, R., Vasyliv, A., & Danchuk, O. (2020). PROTEIN EXCHANGE IN PIGS WITH DIFFERENT PARAMETERS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM (REVIEW). Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (97).