
  • L. Franchuk-Kryva Одеський державний аграрний університет
  • M. Kryvyi Одеський державний аграрний університет



dogs, liver, hepatopathy, hepatoprotectors, medicinal plants


The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of pathologies of the hepatobiliary system in dogs, and the spectrum of hepatoprotective medications. It was generated from information gathered  from study  patient records of veyterinary hospital and analyzed of veterinary drugs market. It was determined that a large part of hepatopathies in dogs is secondary diseases – 81.8 %. It was found that the chronic heart failure and toxic stress in pets are the main causes of a liver pathology. Hepatopathies, as individual diseases, were registered in 18.2 % of dogs. Hepatosis predominates in the pathology of the hepatobiliary system in dogs – 54.6 %. Also, there was an increase in the incidence of toxic hepatitis in dogs – 27.3 %, as a result of acute and chronic poisoning. No liver tumors were registered in pets during the study period. The results of this study showed that the dependence of the manifestation of hepatopathies on the breed and sex of dogs was not observed. The average age of dogs with hepatopathies was 5.5 years.

Also, hepatodystrophies are often subclinical or have no signs of high diagnostic value. The most informative symptoms of hepatosis are depression, hyporexia, diarrhea, urge to vomit, and abdominal pain, but they are common symptoms of most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in dogs. Biochemical parameters of blood in dogs with hepatodystrophy are characterized by hyperbilirubinemia and hyperenzymemia, which indicates cholestasis, hepatocellular damage and disorders of pigment metabolism. In particular, in the serum of patients registered dogs increased activity of AST and ALT respectively 3.5 and 1.6 times compared to that of normal. It has been observed that the level of elevated transaminases is often not directly correlated with the severity of the pet's clinical condition.

It was found that the structure of hepatoprotectors for animals is most formed by combined drugs – 71.4 %. It was determined that most of the plant species in hepatotropic preparations for dogs is traditional for our country and common in South Asian countries. The most common plant species in traditional preparations for dogs hepatoprotective action appeared to milk thistle, artichoke seeds and everlasting sand (everlasting) which belonged to the family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).


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How to Cite

Franchuk-Kryva, L., & Kryvyi, M. (2020). THE PATHOLOGY OF LIVER IN THE DOGS AND HEPATOPROTECTIVE MEDICATIONS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (97).