
  • M. Skrypka Одеський державний аграрний університет
  • I. Panikar Одеський державний аграрний університет
  • B. Kirichk Полтавська державна аграрна академія
  • N. Dmitrenko Полтавська державна аграрна академія




thromboembolism, horses, colic, diagnosis, thrombosis


Theoretical studies of acquired coagulation disorders and their consequences in animals have recently evolved significantly. Mortality is high enough, and the prognosis is always restrained or dubious. This situation is explained by the complexity of the primary disease and diagnostic methods, the lack of protocols for effective specific treatment.

The stallion had sudden impaired coordination and mobility of the pelvic limbs. The animal developed severe colic, prolapse of the rectum with invagination took place, which ended with a rupture of the wall and loss of a small colonic and a significant amount of the small intestine from the hole formed. The animal died.

According to the results of the pathological study, it was found that the complication of chronic thrombosis of large arterial vessels of the pelvic limbs of the horse was thrombosis of the abdominal aorta and, as a result, the displacement of the thrombus from the aorta into the opening of the cranial mesenteric artery with its complete obliteration. The foregoing has led to thromboembolism of the caudal part of the large intestine and, as a result, to the development of colic, malnutrition and innervation of the intestinal wall, which, in turn, led to intussusception of the intestine with subsequent rupture of the branches of the mesenteric artery, and abdominal bleeding. The abdominal cavity contained a large number of loose clots of blood of a light red color. Large bloody infiltrates are diffusely scattered in the thickness of the mesentery and under the peritoneum. The mesentery of the small colon is partially torn, the edges are soaked in blood. The middle part of the colon was invaginated into the lumen of the ampoule-like expansion of the rectum, the lumen of the latter with signs of pronounced dilatation. In the lumen of the rectum, through an opening with a diameter of 18 centimeters in the wall, there was partially a displacement of the loop of the small intestine.

Given the history, clinical signs and results of pathological studies, as well as taking into account the breeding value of the animal, the use of surgical methods of treatment aimed at eliminating strangulation, ischemic ileus and local thromboembolism would be completely justified.


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How to Cite

Skrypka, M., Panikar, I., Kirichk, B., & Dmitrenko, N. (2020). A CLINICAL CASE OF A HORSE THROMBOEMBOLISM. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (97). https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2020.97.04