
  • V. Stoianovskyi Львівський національний університет ветеринарної медицини та біотехнології імені С.З. Гжицького
  • S. Usenko Полтавська державна аграрна академія
  • A. Shostya Полтавська державна аграрна академія
  • V. Gyria Інститут свинарства і агропромислового виробництва НААН
  • M. Sokyrko Інститут свинарства і агропромислового виробництва НААН
  • O. Vasylyeva Полтавська державна аграрна академія
  • V. Bereznytskyi Полтавська державна аграрна академія




boars, types of higher nervous activity, sperm production, ejaculate fractions, spermatozoa


Peculiarities of influence of types of  higher nervous activity on the quality of sperm production in boars. Using motor-nutritional techniques, adult boars of the Large White breed aged 24-36 months were opposed to the main types of higher nervous activity. Four groups of 3 heads each were formed. The 1th group included animals of strong balanced lively (mobile) type; the 2 nd group - strong balanced calm (inert) type; the 3d group - strong unbalanced (unrestrained) type; the 4th group - weak type of higher nervous activity. Sperm was received from boars manually, taking into account the total time of ejaculation, dividing the ejaculate into 4 fractions - F1 was the first, F2 was the second, F3 was the third, F4 was the fourth.

It was found out that the speed of sexual reflexes in boars depends on the type of higher nervous activity. Thus, the ejaculation time in individuals of strong uncontrollable, weak and strong inert types is probably shorter (p <0.001), compared with animals of strong balanced lively types of higher nervous activity.

It has been determined the fact that the maximum weight of ejaculates is characterized by boars of strong balanced lively type, and the minimum one was of weak type (p <0.001). Animals with a strong balanced live and a strong unbalanced unrestrained had ejaculates with the most saturated spermatozoa , and a strong balanced calm and weak types of higher nervous activity had the least ones.

In the second fraction of sperm of boars, the motility of sperm is the greatest. The animals of strong balanced living type were characterized with the maximum functional activity of these gametes and the minimum was in the weak type (p <0.001). Spermatozoa of the fourth fraction had the lowest motility, especially in animals of a strong balanced lively type.

Spermatozoa of the second fraction of sperm are characterized with the highest viability, and the lowest one was in the fourth fraction. In the third fraction of sperm, spermatozoa lose functional activity more rapidly, especially in animals of strong balanced lively and strong balanced calm types of higher nervous activity, by 22.8% and 17%, respectively.


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How to Cite

Stoianovskyi, V., Usenko, S., Shostya, A., Gyria, V., Sokyrko, M., Vasylyeva, O., & Bereznytskyi, V. (2020). QUALITY OF THE SPERM PRODUCTION IN BOARS DEPENDS ON THE TYPES OF HIGHER NERVOUS ACTIVITY. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (97). https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2020.97.02