
  • A., Shevchenko Одеський державний аграрний університет
  • N. Zgadova Одеська державна академія технічного регулювання та якості
  • K. Dankoglo Одеський державний аграрний університет



innovation, agro-innovation, development, agrarian enterprise, gross production, production, profitability, efficiency


Nowadays, the main challenge of the world innovation and technological processes is the development of agriculture, which is aimed at the dynamics of agricultural production through the use of advanced technologies. Despite the large
number of works devoted to the study of various aspects of the innovative development of the agricultural sector, these issues have been poorly understood. The purpose of the article is to identify the main tendencies of activity of agricultural enterprises and substantiation of modern approaches in their agro-innovative development. In the article it is specified that innovative development of agrarian enterprises is a complex use of high-tech factors of production in technological, organizational, economic and managerial activity for ensuring sustainable high competitiveness of production of agrarian enterprises in internal and external markets. It is established that agroinnovation is a modern advanced transformation in agricultural production, which is carried out with the aim of obtaining economic effect on the basis of meeting the growing needs of society and ensuring the food security of the country. It is determined that the reduction in the number of agricultural enterprises is associated with the difficulties of further innovative development in the agricultural sector, the low level of awareness of farmers about the current prospective global approaches to development, the existing problems and risks. Positive changes in the production of crop production in the agricultural area were noted in the article. enterprises in Ukraine and including in Odessa region. But the downward trend is the decline in livestock production. According to the research results, it is revealed that agrarians choose to produce the most competitive products, with the highest rates of return on invested capital. The consequence of this trend is structural sectoral shifts towards an increase in the share of crop production. Changes occur in violation of the scientific foundations of the farming system. The size of the major livestock industries in Ukraine in 2017 compared to 2013 was noted. Stagnation in the entrepreneurial model of agrarian behavior in Ukraine has been identified, which is related to the traditional conservative approach to crop production. It is proved that the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex should be due to the directing of investments in agricultural industries, which need reproduction with the use of modern advanced technologies, which will ensure the competitive production of agro-food products. The best basis for agro-innovation in crop production is modern innovative approaches related to breeding, genetic engineering, organic farming, micro-irrigation, space information technology, nanotechnology. The advanced technologies in the field of animal husbandry are the introduction of intensive feeding systems, biotechnology, modern technical and technological support, breeding and breeding work, energy and resource-saving technologies


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How to Cite

Shevchenko, A., Zgadova, N., & Dankoglo, K. (2020). AGRO-INNOVATION AS A PERSPECTIVE OF DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (96).