
  • V. Artemov Одеський державний аграрний університет
  • T. Movchan Одеський державний аграрний університет
  • E. Bakhchevan Одеський фінансово-економічний коледж КНТЕУ
  • T Danko Одеський фінансово-економічний коледж КНТЕУ



digital transformation, digitalization, principles of digitalization, geodesy, GIS, land management, cadastre, KPI (Key Performance Indicator), StateGeoCadastre (The State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre).


The article investigates the current state of digital transformation in Ukraine, forms its main components and formulates the basic principles of its implementation in geodesy and land management. The relationship between the development and training of professional staff, focused on the real needs of the country's IT industry is determined. The Launch of technology in 2020 is formulated. The pitfall of digital transformation of the Ukrainian economy such as rising unemployment in the future is mentioned and the positive side of digitalization such as increased labor productivity and the expansion of new demanded professions is noted. The concepts of development of the digital economy and Ukrainian society have been traced and the estimated share of the digital economy in GDP 2030E has been analyzed. The idea of digital transformation in creating a personalized, individual offer and delivering it to the consumer in a convenient way is considered. Their combination allows to track and analyze the customer experience at all points of presence and interaction with the company. The forecasted KPI dynamics of ICT consumption on the domestic market in 2021-2030 is provided. It is substantiated that digitalization will not completely replace the surveyor's manual work, such as equipment setup and manual processing of data obtained using modern technologies for creation of topographic surveys that meet requirements of regulatory documents. It is noted that in the coming years we wouldn’t expect full automation of any processes, because even robotic geodetic instruments and equipment for land surveyors require the participation of the operator.
It is considered the digitalization of land relations which requires the organization of the preservation of the information about the all land plots of the country. There were analyzed the peculiarities of the implementation of the digital transformation in geodesy, cartography, land management related, in particular, with the using of GIS technologies, for the fulfillment of tasks on the preservation of the information about the land plots, of the construction of topographic plans, of the creation of formalized reporting documents. Emphasis is placed on the using the GIS technologies in geodesy, land management and cadaster, which is to use the most used software in land management enterprises of the Odessa region: GIS 6, Digitals, AutoCad.It is determined to remain geodesy and land management in the list of modern required specialties, it is necessary to radically change its structure and content and turn surveyors into IT specialists.In the future there is a study of the development of artificial intelligence and automation of processes in the field of geodesy and land management.


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How to Cite

Artemov, V., Movchan, T., Bakhchevan, E., & Danko, T. (2020). THE PRINCIPLES OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION IN GEODESY AND LAND MANAGEMENT. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (96).