productivity, main herd, young stocks, reproductive, fattening, meat qualities, exterior, Pietrain breedAbstract
The economically useful traits of Pietrain pigs were studied in the conditions of South Ukraine at the present stage of development of this genotype. So pigs of Pietrain breed of French origin had specific productive characteristics: moderate reproductive qualities (the average multiplicity of sows of the main herd is 9.5 heads , and animals of the leading group - 10.4 heads, that is breeding effect is 0.9 heads) and high feeding qualities (young animals of this breed have an average age of live weight of 100 kg 156 days at a feed cost of 3.1 fodder units per 1 kg of growth) and excellent meat qualities (half-carcass length 94 cm, fat thickness at the level of 6-7 chest vertebrae for 8 mm, meat content 76.8% and 75.5%, respectively, with live weight of young animals 100 kg and 120 kg). The research results showed that Pietrain pigs exceeded the existing elite class requirements of current guidelines for pig testing (2003), presented to the II group of breeds in terms of average live weight, however, according to the body length indicator, compliance with the requirements of the predominantly class II rating scale was established, which can be fully explained by the specificity of the exterior of this breed in comparison with other meat breeds (Landrace, Duroc and others).
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