
  • N. Shalimov Одеський державний аграрний університет



radonukly, deactivating product, parts, metabolics, electrodealz method, detritus cycle, mutabality, production of the animals


Article contains information on individual ways to prevent the inflow and accumulation of radioactive substances into the body of farm animals. Measures may be ineffective, so the substances in the products obtained may exceed acceptable
standards. However, such products should not be stywed. In special technological processing, products are distributed to individual components. . At the same time, some of the radioactive substances may be in one of the components of the product. The product can be revealed not the main, but a by-product of processing. The use of four technological priyoms of processing with a change of solution allows to reduce the content of I37Cs by 63-99 %.Contaminated with radioactive substances, not suitable for feeding mammals vegetative mass of plants can be used for direct receipt of food and feed protein. The latest biotechnology is widely used in foreign countries, and in Ukraine is being introduced, allowing the release of protein directly from the green mass of stenums by pressing the cell juice with further coagulation from the non-agility of a special technology of pure protein, which contains less radioactive substances than the plants used. This protein is a valuable product for the food industry and is widely used in the manufacture of sausages, certain types of canned food, cheeses, bakery and confectionery products, as well as additives in the feed of farm animals and birds. All the migration routes of radioactive substances in the objects of the environment and agricultural production are affected by people. Therefore, the main task of specialists who carry out large-scale measures on the transfer of radioactive
substances into livestock products, which ensures the purity of products, and food industry technologists, who conduct robots together with zoohygieneers to clean these types of products, is to suspend these pathways. Studies show that the earlier this task is decided, the more effective will be the protection of a person from substandard products


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How to Cite

Shalimov, N. (2020). BIОTECHNOLOGY FROM THE WORLD «GREEN» PRODUCTION OF THE ANIMAL. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (96).