herbal supplements, Cardiofil, Phytohol, isolation stress, biochemical parametersAbstract
The article presents data on the study of the influence of the Cardiophil and Phytohol phyto-additives on the biochemical parameters of cats' blood under conditions of isolation stress. It is established that in stress conditions animals have a stress reaction, which is accompanied by an increase in heart rate and respiratory rate, as well as the development of hypertension, which causes post-loading on the cardiovascular system and subsequently leads to changes in blood vessels and causes cardiovascular disease. vascular and pulmonary insufficiency, namely in cats blood increased urea by 26%, creatinine by 11%, total protein by 10.5%, glucose by 17.5%, LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) by 11.5%, at the same time decreased the activity of enzymes ACAT by 20%, ALAT by 9.4%, alkali phosphatase 9% 9% creatine and tryhletsyrydiv 9%, 3% sodium. Such changes in the biochemical parameters of the blood are explained by the fact that the adaptogenic action of the phyto-additives improved the function of the liver (Biloxinetic, lipolytic, etc.), which led to a decrease in the lipomobilizing effect in the animals of the experimental group. This is indicated by a decrease in triglycerides and creatine phosphokinase. This indicates a decrease in the stress response of the experimental animals, as well as an improvement in the function of the urinary system, in particular the kidneys. It should be noted that all the above biochemical parameters of blood fluctuated within physiological normative values.
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