
  • D. Domushchi Одеський державний аграрний університет
  • P. Ustuyanov Одеський державний аграрний університет
  • A. Lipin Одеський державний аграрний університет
  • V. Zakharenko Одеська національна академія харчових технологій




combine harvester, harvest-transport complex, failure, performance, spare parts, backup levels, recovery, and delivery distance


Substantiation of the methods of operational support of combine harvesters of harvesting and transport complexes with spare parts ensures reduction of unproductive idle time of combine harvesters for technical reasons, increased productivity per change of harvesting equipment and reduction of expenses for operation of technical equipment. Therefore, improving the repair and maintenance of combine harvesting and transport complexes, taking into account the zonal operating conditions and evaluating the effectiveness of their work is an actual scientific and practical task. The purpose of experimental and theoretical studies was to determine the number of spare parts names for failures of components, assemblies and parts (spare parts) of combines with their replacement, to justify their required range and number by failure complexity groups for different storage levels, and to determine the time for delivery of spare parts from data storage levels that will ensure the work of combine harvesters for agro technical reasonable period of harvesting. To determine the names of spare parts for combine failures, time-keeping observations were made. As a result of statistical processing of observational data, distributions of working conditions and performance of combustible operation and performance of harvesters were calculated and constructed for technical reasons with replacement of the spare part. Developed recommendations for spare parts redundancy at reasonable storage levels will reduce the average recovery time of combines, reduce the cost of storing spare parts and increase the gross yield of grain crops.


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How to Cite

Domushchi, D., Ustuyanov, P., Lipin, A., & Zakharenko, V. (2020). JUSTIFICATION OF METHODS OF OPERATIONAL SUPPORT OF GRAIN TRAINS COMBINES WITH SPARE PART. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (95), 199-209. https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2019.95.28