
  • P. Osadchuk Одеський державний аграрний університет



ultrasonic field, sunflower oil, sludge, magnetostrictive emitter, intensification of the purification process


The possibility and prospects of using physical fields for the process of sunflower oil cleaning are considered. An analysis of existing studies on the use of ultrasonic wave processing of liquid food products has been carried out. In the context of the influence of the process of separation between two or more inhomogeneous media in systems, liquid-liquid and liquid-solids. The mathematical model describing the process of the influence of this physical field on vegetable oils during their purification after obtaining is developed. With the help of the presented mathematical description, it is possible to calculate the optimum time for processing liquid vegetable oils regardless of the raw material from which they are obtained. Experimental studies of this process are presented. Which were conducted with the aim of intensifying and increasing the release of phosphorus-containing substances, fatty acids, waxes and other concomitant substances. With varying intensity, at different frequencies of ultrasound and several types of sunflower oil. The results of experimental studies confirmed positive expectations. This graphic material describes the physical experiment. The result is the production of technological parameters for using the ultrasonic field at which the optimum effect on the removal of suspended substances is achieved and, accordingly, the intensification of the filtration process takes place. Under these conditions, high quality oil was obtained, which corresponds to GOST - hydrated ice cream of the highest grade. Without carrying out the process of hydration and treatment with low temperatures. This leads to a reduction in energy consumption and the amount of equipment in the process of cleaning the oil. The error of the theoretical and practical experiment does not exceed 10 percent. Compared to conventional filtration, the extraction of impurities increased by 12% when treated with an ultrasonic field.


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How to Cite

Osadchuk, P. (2019). PRIMARY CLEANING OF SUNFLOWER OIL IN THE FIELD OF VIBROACOUSTIC ACTION. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (95), 167-180.