
  • T. Shabatura Одеський державний аграрний університет
  • Y. Kravchenko Одеська державна академія технічного регулювання та якості



social component, economic development, agricultural enterprise, incorporation, principles, tasks, tools, methods, stages


The article covers the problematic issues of incorporating the social component into the plane of economic development of domestic agricultural enterprises. The stages, productive features, dominants, methods, coordinating levers, stages and factors of action on the process of incorporating the principles of social responsibility into the plane of economic development of agricultural enterprises are covered. According to the model of competitive strategy developed by M. Porter, the constitutive factors of incorporation of dominant social responsibility into the economic development of agricultural enterprises were determined, namely: broad social expectations; a methodological platform for incorporating social responsibility based on appropriate mechanisms and components. Structuring of the main components of the structure of incorporation and development of social component in agricultural enterprises is given. The managerial, socially responsible and strategic tools of realization of priority goals of economic development of the enterprise are considered. The content and sequence of stages of incorporation of the social component into the economic development of agricultural enterprises are revealed.It is proved that a fundamental platform for improving the concept of realizing the economic potential of agricultural enterprises under conditions of strengthening European integration processes should be the construct of incorporation and development of the social component into the economic development plane of the enterprise on the basis of taking into account the complementarity and controversy of solving the social responsibility strategy development tasks. Structural structure of the structure involves transformation of socio-economic directions of realization of economic potential of the enterprise, substantiation of integration policy in fulfillment of priority development goals by a gradual transition from simple socially responsible actions to systematic socially responsible programs, which will ensure prevention of occurrence of economic conflicts on the basis of harmonization of interests -processes.


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How to Cite

Shabatura, T., & Kravchenko, Y. (2020). INCORPORATION OF SOCIAL COMPONENT IN THE AREA OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF AGRARIAN ENTERPRISES. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (95), 156-166.