
  • O. Petrenko Одеський державний аграрний університет
  • T Chernogor Одеський державний аграрний університет



settlement transactions, accounts receivable, payables, suppliers, contractors, credit policy, liabilities, management mechanism


The article considers the urgency of the problem of settlement operations with suppliers and contractors in the enterprise. An important factor in the financial stability of the enterprise is its credit policy. A significant role in the credit policy of the enterprise is played by accounts payable. With constant monitoring of the status of settlement transactions with suppliers and contractors in the enterprise, it is possible to achieve effective management of the financial activities of the enterprise and improve its financial condition.

The sources of financing settlement operations are analyzed and the composition and dynamics of accounts payable at the pilot enterprise are considered. Available economic assets (assets) of the enterprise are formed at the expense of both own and borrowed funds. One of the main elements of financial activity is the company's ability to timely fulfill its obligations. A factor analysis of accounts payable turnover has been carried out and sources of its reduction have been identified, namely: improving the financial condition of the enterprise and pursuing a policy to reduce accounts payable.

It is important for the company to compare the receivables and payables. During the comparison, an increase or decrease in these types of debt can be distinguished. It is believed that the coverage of accounts receivable with payable ones is positive. However, due to large deviations in the ratio of these values, one can note negative trends in the calculations of the enterprise with suppliers and contractors.

The ratio of receivables and payables is analyzed and the consequences of a significant discrepancy between these values ​​for the company are reflected.

 The calculation of the possibility of loss of solvency was carried out and the main directions for improving settlement operations with suppliers and contractors at agricultural enterprises were identified. This explains the need for continuous monitoring and analysis of accounts payable over time ranges - for months and for shorter periods of time, the comparison of which will allow you to quickly make a decision to improve positions on accounts payable in the middle of the year, at the end of the quarter or month.

To ensure the safety of the agricultural enterprise from the risk of insolvency, it is necessary to carry out measures to maintain financial stability by determining the size of borrowings and planning debt obligations.


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How to Cite

Petrenko, O., & Chernogor, T. (2020). ANALYSIS OF THE PRODUCT COST AND WAYS TO REDUCE IT. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (95), 147-155.