
  • Yu. Osadcha The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine



immunohematological indices, hens, stress, nonspecific reactivity


Today in Ukraine modern cage equipment is used for hens keeping, which allows to place cage batteries in 4-5 floors, that is cages in the poultry house are placed on 12-15 tiers. This allows to increase the concentration of poultry in the poultry house in 4-5 times, compared with 3-tier cage batteries, and 8-10 times – compared to the floor method of keeping. During this time, the bird of the upper floor is at a height of more than 12 meters above the ground, and the population in one poultry house can reach 590 thousand heads. However, there are no data on the effect of such keeping on the physiological state of hens. Investigate the non-specific reactivity of the hens body under the influence of changes in the height of the location of cage batteries. Determination of hemogram and leukogram of hens, calculation of integrated immunohematological indices. The increase in the height of the location of cage batteries was not reflected in the indicators of integrated immunohematological indices, which may indicate the absence of a negative impact of increasing the layering of cage equipment on the body of hens. Whereas, keeping hens in the cages of a multi-tiered cage battery on the first floor (1–3 tier) was accompanied by an increase in nonspecific reactivity of the organism, characteristic of the stressful state of the organism. The effect of changes in the height of the location of cage batteries on the nonspecific reactivity of the body of hens was studied for the first time. Increasing the height of the cage batteries did not affect the nonspecific reactivity of the hens organism. While the reduction of the cage battery surface (up to 1) in hens revealed a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left, the predominance of nonspecific protective cells, which occurs due to functional increase in bone marrow proliferative activity and is expressed in increased neutrophils, increased activity in the microphagous and indicates the presence in the body of hens of high levels of endogenous intoxication and impaired immunological reactivity, as well as informs about the autoimmune nature of the pathological process. At the same time, they observed a predominance of cell activation of the immune system, an active adaptive response of white blood and a decrease in nonspecific anti-infective protection due to intoxication, as well as the predominance of immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions over delayed-type reactions.


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How to Cite

Осадча, Ю. (2021). NON-SPECIFIC REACTIONS OF HENS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF TECHNOLOGICAL STRESSOR. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (101).